



April 27,

Red Stage @Sparkasse KölnBonn

The groundbreaking Berlin rap duo "6euroneunzig" breaks musical boundaries and creates a captivating fusion of rap, techno-trash and new wave. With an energetic stage presence and sometimes profound lyrics, they bring a new dimension to the musical landscape, bringing the spirit of equality and feminism to the fore. The creative minds behind "6euroneunzig", Kat & Nina, have created a soundscape that is simultaneously raw, experimental and catchy. They fuse the driving beats of electronica with the iconic sounds of new wave, creating a sound that captivates listeners.

With their lyrics, "6euroneunzig" powerfully stage feminist messages that break taboos, polarize and emphasize the importance of equality and empowerment. Their music is a manifesto of freedom and self-expression that inspires listeners to raise their own voices.

With a growing fan base and a message that goes beyond the music, "6euroneunzig" are setting an example for change and emancipation. "6euroneunzig" invites you to be part of their musical revolution, pushing the boundaries of the genre while creating a space for important social discussions.

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